Norovirus outbreaks have been making national news the past couple of years. Schools, hospitals, cruise ships and everywhere in between seem to have been hit by this highly contagious stomach bug. If you, or someone you know, has ever had the misfortune of contracting the nasty virus, you know it’s definitely a force to be reckoned with. Dubbed as the winter vomiting disease or stomach flu, violent bouts of vomiting … [Read more...]
Nasty Norovirus
Egg-cited for Easter
Easter is one of my favorite holidays – bright and happy pastel colors, the excitement in my son’s eyes as he waits for the cue to start hunting for eggs, quality family-time and so much more! That’s why this blog is dedicated to providing inspiring ideas, tips and tricks throughout the week so you can prepare for Easter Sunday on April 16th. Happy Easter to your family, from your friends at Blackmon Mooring … [Read more...]