The Secret to Maintaining Your Tile Floor

There are a number of advantages for home and business owners who choose tile as their flooring option. Examples include cost-effectiveness, long-lasting durability, an extensive array of color and style options, improved indoor air quality and the fact that it requires very little maintenance in comparison to other popular flooring materials.

But just as every other surface, tile floors, and grout still need to be cleaned and adequately maintained to ensure they stay looking as good as new for as long as possible.

Which Cleaning Methods Are Best Suited for Tile?

At Blackmon Mooring, our certified cleaning professionals utilize specialized cleaning solutions combined with the following methods to keep even the most delicate of ceramic tiles sparkling and clean.

High-Pressure Rinsing

Using advanced equipment, our technicians will spray your floors with hot, high-pressure streams of water to quickly and effectively remove dirt and grime from the grout between your tiles.

While using a mop or soft rag/sponge to scrub your tile and grout can be somewhat effective, it has the potential to spread germs and bacteria to other areas that may otherwise be clean. You could be the best scrubber in the world but still fall short of effectively eliminating the buildup of gunk in those especially hard-to-reach areas.

Following the pressurized rinsing procedure, our experts will make use of a high-powered vacuum to ensure all water used to clean your tile surfaces is thoroughly removed, leaving behind dry floors that look, smell and feel clean.

Applying an Optional Protective Sealant

Blackmon Mooring’s team of residential and commercial cleaning specialists recommend having a protective sealant applied to your tile and grout immediately after every cleaning, especially if the high-pressure equipment was used, as these types of high-powered cleaning methods tend to remove any sealant you may have previously applied.

When carefully and thoroughly applied with an applicator brush, not only will a professional-grade sealant help prolong your floor’s lifespan, it will also help protect them against future stains, keeping any and all tile surfaces in your home or office looking cleaner much longer.

Be Sure to Give Your Grout the Same Attention as Your Tiles

Did you know it’s just as important to clean your grout as it is to cleanse the tiles themselves? In fact, grout is more porous than tile, making it more susceptible to staining, and the way it’s situated also makes it vulnerable to the accumulation of dirt, mold and other grimy substances within just a matter of months. So if grout cleaning isn’t currently part of your floor cleaning regimen, it certainly should be.

Additional Maintenance Tips to Help Maximize Your Floor’s Lifespan

  • Use a broom and dustpan to sweep up loose dirt and mop with hot water and a mild detergent each week.
  • If you notice a greasy-looking stain on your tiled surfaces, scrub it with a mixture of vinegar and warm water before rinsing with fresh water.
  • Get in the habit of sweeping or vacuuming on a regular basis to ensure your tiles aren’t scratched by any loose dirt that may be hanging around.
  • If the grout between your tiles is cement-based, try cleaning them on a somewhat regular basis with a mixture of warm water and baking soda using a toothbrush.

Put Blackmon Mooring’s Tile and Grout Cleaning Professionals to Work

Contact us today to learn more about our professional tile and grout cleaning services or to schedule an appointment.


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