Throughout my tenure working in the Recruiting Department, there are two questions I have been asked a few times: Who is Blackmon Mooring & BMS CAT? What does the company you work for do? (Mostly by my family back in Missouri where we do not currently have a location) Great questions! Today, I wanted to take the time and write a blog to provide answers, especially for those of you that have only … [Read more...]
Who We Are
Meet Ax Torres
Blackmon Mooring & BMS CAT were blessed in 2017 to welcome Ax Torres to our family, as the General Manager for our Orlando location. He took over the GM role just in time for Hurricane Irma to hit the East Coast. Although he was new to Florida, having moved from Chicago a few weeks prior, Ax reacted to the storm with the kind of calmness, determination and level-headedness of a seasoned pro. I was fortunate … [Read more...]
Odor Removal with Hydroxyl Generators
Odor Removal and Restoration Odor removal is a critical part of almost any restoration project. Fully eliminating odors has always been difficult since each project has unique challenges. Fire and soot restoration jobs, for example, can be particularly tricky. Fires damages more than just the burned and charred areas you can see. Soot and smoke can damage furnishings, documents, ventilation systems, electronics and … [Read more...]
Fire Damage Restoration Tips
We recently partnered with RIMKUS for a “live burn” – which basically meant we were going to burn down a box, which replicated the living room in a home. We worked closely with the kind folks from the Pasadena Fire Department to hold this controlled burn in the parking lot of the Pasadena Convention Center (right outside of Houston, Texas). The reason for holding this event there was that about 100 insurance … [Read more...]
Our Founding Fathers: Building a Foundation for the Future
William Blackmon Jr., fresh from service in World War II, started an upholstery cleaning business with college buddy Scott Mooring. The two-man operation, known simply as Blackmon Mooring, grew into a worldwide company that developed a patented steam-cleaning process and evolved into a major player in the post-catastrophe restoration business. William G. "Floppy" Blackmon graduated from North Side High School … [Read more...]
Join us Today in Celebrating America’s PrepareAthon!
Today is America's PrepareAthon!, a national day designated for learning how to prepare for destructive disasters. Every year disasters strike anytime and anyplace. Nearly every region of the country experiences some form of extreme weather event, including devastating tornadoes, floods, earthquakes and winter storms. As with many life events, preparation is the key to success. When you prepare and practice for … [Read more...]
New Orleans, A Look Back
If you follow us on social media, you may have seen that our company exhibited at the RIMS Conference this past spring. RIMS is a Society for Risk Managers that has a large conference every year that travels around the country. As you can imagine, Risk Managers rely on companies like ours to provide service on a daily basis and for major disasters. Most major companies have some sort of risk management department, … [Read more...]
Logistically Strong
I believe the heart of our company is our people. Our 67-years of technical expertise is the brains. The dedication and front line involvement of our leaders are the backbones. And, logistics is the muscle. In my view, a company's growth and effectiveness are based on how Logistically Strong they are. Just like athletes train to get bigger, faster and stronger, the BMS CAT Logistics Team does the same. Here is a … [Read more...]
What is BMS Global?
Remember when Captain Sully Sullenberger safely guided a crippled Airbus down into the Hudson River? Or when a 777 crashed on landing in San Francisco? Those two events and dozens of other major transportation accidents have something in common that might surprise you: BMS played a key role in the responses. Aviation and transportation customers worldwide, including nearly 50 airlines, trust BMS Global to provide … [Read more...]