Whether it involves a wide-body jetliner, a commuter train, or a water taxi, a transportation disaster is a complex, emotionally charged event in which the operating carrier’s margin for error is very small.
Blackmon Mooring & BMS CAT provides aviation and transportation clients worldwide with planning, response, and recovery services based on best practices and decades of first-hand experience.

We believe that success in this demanding field requires partnerships grounded in trust, integrity, and transparency. To that end, Blackmon Mooring & BMS CAT works with each client to understand their specific needs, identify or create the right solutions, and integrate the results into their emergency plans.
Blackmon Mooring & BMS CAT does not charge a retainer and our response agreement is non-binding and non-exclusive. In addition, assistance with planning and training is provided at no charge.
We also build productive relationships by regularly participating in training, conferences, and exercises involving clients, government agencies, non-government organizations, and other stakeholders. And if the worst happens, we work side-by-side with our customer until the job is done, focusing on doing the right and compassionate thing for those involved in an efficient, cost-effective manner.
Our disaster recovery services follow industry best practices and the requirements and guidelines set forth in applicable laws and regulations.

Our Disaster Cleanup and Restoration Services Include:
Assistance with Planning and Training
- Sharing best practices and information on emergency response processes
- Assistance with developing plans and training materials
- Participation in training classes, drills and exercises, seminars, conferences, and emergency planning group meetings
- Serving as an industry resource for information on unique or challenging situations

Response and Recovery
Initial Survey:
- Development of specific recovery plan and briefing relevant parties
- Search, recovery, control, and inventory of personal effects
- Site and command center coordination with the customer and appropriate government agencies
Final Site Survey and Inspection
- Cleaning, deodorizing, and processing recovered items as necessary
- Call center for servicing claims
- Secure online image catalog for facilitating identification of unassociated items (DVD or photo catalogs also available)
- Personal Effects Care Team (PECT) to return associated items
- Periodic and one-year site inspections
- Short- and Long-term storage

Site Remediation and Mortuary Services
- Site cleanup and environmental remediation
- Removal of wreckage and storage/disposal as directed
Mortuary Services
- Temporary morgue at or near scene including liaison with statutory or governmental authorities
- Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) services
- Repatriation of remains
- Assistance to families
- Memorial and anniversary services
Response and Recovery
Initial Survey:
- Development of specific recovery plan and briefing relevant parties
- Search, recovery, control, and inventory of personal effects
- Site and command center coordination with the customer and appropriate government agencies

Operational Continuity Support
We understand the operational urgency and the importance of restoring full capacity as quickly as possible. More than 50 customers worldwide – airlines, airports, corporate aviation departments, charter firms, and more – count on Blackmon Mooring & BMS CAT for emergency planning, response, and recovery support. We invite you to join them!